Designing washroom environments
Designing washroom environments
Having established exactly what the public don’t like when it comes to bathrooms in hospitality establishments, it’s time to explore the features that can give a washroom the wow factor.
The most popular features were those that improved hygiene in washrooms; touchless flush was the most popular feature, with seven out of ten (71%) respondents preferring a ‘handsfree’ washroom experience. Reduced noise hand dryers, on the other hand, were generally considered not very important (41%).
Two in five (42%) considered soundproofing to be somewhat important, and half (48%) felt the same way about improved ventilation. Bathroom users don’t seem to want excessive frills; Japanese style toilets with wash and dry technology weren’t favoured by many respondents. There is high demand for basic privacy, hygiene and fresh air when it comes to providing a premium washroom experience and a chance for some alone time.
We’ve seen above how washroom design and decor can improve perceptions of cleanliness; bright colours can create the sense of a bright, airy and spacious washroom. Even the cleanest toilets can come across as gloomy and dirty with the wrong decor, so combining touchless flush, good ventilation and soundproofing features with light reflecting colours and attractive fittings is a must for quality washrooms.
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