How do I Handle Laminate Sheets?

How do I Handle Laminate Sheets?

Care should be taken when handling decorative laminates to avoid breakages and damage.

Handle Sheet 825x550

When loading and unloading, sheets should be lifted, not slid - abrasion between two decorative faces should be avoided.

Individual laminate sheets should be carried with the decorative face towards the body. Sheets become rigid and thus easier to handle if they are bowed along the longitudinal axis. Large laminate sheets should always be handled by two men. Sometimes it is convenient, especially with thinner grades of laminate, to roll the sheet, decorative face inward, into cylinder of approximately 600mm diameter.

All DecoMetal® laminates should be transported and stored flat, it is not recommended to roll these laminates for transport.

When transporting stacks of laminate sheets with mechanical handling vehicles, pallets of adequate size and rigidity should be used.

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