DecoMetal® Laminate 2022 Collection | Formica Corporation

Formica DecoMetal M9958 Antique Rubbed Copper hospitality wall covering

The DecoMetal® Laminates
2022 Collection

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Introducing the DecoMetal® 2022 Collection

The DecoMetal® Laminates 2022 Collection includes seven trend worthy metal options for elevating commercial spaces. The introduction enhances the existing collection with more painted solid metals as well as woven textured and hand-rubbed metals in warm light tones, brass, copper and black. As the luxe trend with a nod to Art Deco styling continues in hospitality, retail and other elegant interiors, these new additions expand the options of metal surfacing.

The 2022 Collection


A Glimpse into the Elegant World of DecoMetal® Laminates

This full-spectrum metal surfacing collection features trend-worthy metallics perfect for architectural commercial spaces.


The DecoMetal® 2022 Collection Lookbook

The DecoMetal® Laminates 2022 Collection includes seven trend worthy metal options for elevating commercial spaces. See luxe trends brought to life in the lookbook.

Introducing the SurfaceSet® 
Laminate 2022 Collection

Formica Corporation empowers designers with new designs to usher in a bright new future by welcoming four solid colors, six woodgrains, 10 patterns and two textures into the Formica® Laminate family.

Formica Corporation, a design leader in decorative surface realism, introduces the DecoMetal® Laminates 2022 Collection update with new usable and trend-worthy metal options for commercial spaces. 

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