Formica Corporation Announces New Distributor in West Texas
Stripling Surface & Supply joins Formica Corp. distribution network
CINCINNATI (January 21, 2019) — Formica Corporation, the inventor of laminate, today announces a new product distribution agreement with Stripling Surface & Supply in Lubbock, Texas. Stripling joins a network of more than 100 companies that connect Formica® Brand products with professionals across the United States.
Stripling Surface & Supply will exclusively serve more than 75 West Texas counties, which contain Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland, Odessa and surrounding areas. Stripling is headquartered in Lubbock, Texas, and operates under the leadership of owner Amy Stripling.
“With our growing customer base in the expansive West Texas region, we are thrilled to partner with Stripling Surface & Supply to deliver the high quality Formica® Brand products they know and trust,” said Michael Berg, Vice President of Sales, Formica Corporation North America.
Formica® Brand products are now available to ship through all new and existing distributors. To find a Formica® Brand distributor, please visit:
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