Green Building Assessment


The concept of Green Building Material was advocated by Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of Interior, R.O.C, to quantify the measures taken within Taiwan to ensure that the materials have minimum load on the earth environment and produce no harm to the human health in the process of raw material acquirement, product manufacturing, application as well as the cycle of regeneration and reuse.

Assessment of Green Building Material Label
Formica®Laminate by Formica Group are applied as a decorative surface to countertops, cabinets, furniture, fixtures and partitions, among other elements. As a component material, they may contribute to the assessment of Green Building Material Label in:

- General Rules of Green Building Material
- Ecological Green Building Material
- Healthy Green Building Material 
- High-performance Green Building Material
- Recycling Green Building Material 

The BCA Green Mark Scheme was launched as an initiative by Building and Construction Authority to drive Singapore's construction industry towards more environment-friendly buildings. It is intended to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise environmental awareness among developers, designers and builders when they start project conceptualisation and design, as well as during construction by incorporating best practices in environmental design and construction, and the adoption of green building technologies.

BCA Green Mark Rating System
Formica®Laminate by Formica Group are applied as a decorative surface to countertops, cabinets, furniture and fixtures and partitions, among other elements. As a component material, they may contribute toward BCA Green Mark rating system in:

- Environmental protection 
- Indoor environmental quality, and
- Other green and innovative features that contribute to better building performance.


Formica®brand products support conservation and green building practices and may contribute toward achieving leed building certification for new construction & major renovations (NC), schools and commercial interiors (CI).

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has produced the LEED®(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System, which quantifies the measures taken toward constructing a greener building. The LEED Rating System takes into consideration practices relevant to the natural environment such as the use of sustainable resources, conservation of non-sustainable resources and reduction of pollutants.

Formica® Laminate by Formica Group are applied as a decorative surface to countertops, cabinets, furniture and fixtures and partitions, among other elements. As a component material, they may contribute toward LEED credit for building certification in:

- MR 5 Regional Materials, Option 1 in Commercial Interiors Rating System
- MR 7 Certified Wood
- IEQ 3.2 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management per GREENGUARD®certification
- IEQ 4.5 Low Emitting Materials, Systems Furniture and Seating per GREENGUARD®certification


Certified Wood and FSC


Carbon Reduction




Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)


ISO 14001 & ISO 9001

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