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Order Free Sample

Currently transitioning bulk sample sizes from 5x7 to 3x5 and from 10x10 to 8x10. Sizes ordered and received during this time are subject to availability. Swatch Samples only come in Standard Finishes based on the Product Line. Please contact Customer Service for additional information: 1-800-FORMICA (367-6422).

Black Painted Marble

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What is the warranty on ColorCore®2?

The limited warranty for ColorCore®2, Color Through Laminates by Formica Group, is one (1) year from the date of first purchase.

Please refer to our Technical Data Sheet for warranty details.

Does ColorCore®2 match exactly with Formica® Laminate?
ColorCore®2 laminates, are made of different resin, which causes a slightly different hue from its corresponding standard High Pressure Laminate (HPL). This colour difference does not constitute a defect. Standard HPL and ColorCore®2, Colour Through Laminates, are considered to be coordinating rather than exact matches to each other.
What are some common applications for ColorCore®2?
Commercial casework and work surfaces, retail design fixtures, partitions, and doors are just a few of the possible applications.
How do I find my local Formica Distributor or A&D Specialists?
Click on the Where to buy button at the top of the page and type in your postal code for a list of the Formica Distributor or A&D Specialist that services your area.
I have a problem with my Formica® Brand product. Who do I contact?
Please contact our Consumer Relations Department at 1-800-FORMICA™ (367-6422), or via email at [email protected].
I have a question about a sample order I placed. Who do I contact?
For sample inquiries, please contact us at 1-800-FORMICA™ (367-6422).
If my question is not listed here, where can I find my answer?
If your question is not listed here, please contact us or call 1-800-FORMICA™ (367-6422).

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