Tips to stay active this summer
Tips to stay active this summer
What are the different training programs available and what are their advantages?

Hello! You may remember that I introduced myself at the beginning of 2022. Today, I'm back with a newsletter to share some tips on how to stay active this summer.
We’ll discuss goals, training programs, mental preparation, and fun training ideas. In this newsletter, we’ll discuss training programs.
What’s a training program?
A training program is like a work schedule. It lists which days you train, what type of training you do and how long each training session is.
Is it important to have a training program?
In my opinion, a training program serves as an effective tool to maintain your sporting commitments and has a positive impact on goal achievement. Training sessions are concrete, logged and must be progressive over several weeks. In this way, you’ll be motivated to do them.
How do I find a training program?
1. Personal trainer

Working with a personal trainer has many advantages. They’ll build a program that fits your needs and your schedule. Also, a trainer will adapt your training load to your life commitments, which is a very positive factor! It is also essential that your trainer assess your fitness level to plan workouts that are enjoyable and appropriate for your level. A trainer will ensure that you’re making progress over the months and years. Having a personalized program also helps prevent injuries. When you start a new physical activity, it’s easy to do too much too soon. Building a relationship with your trainer reaps enormous rewards because you’ll get the opportunity to share your success and accomplishments with someone who believes in you and cares about your success.
2. Online program

Online training programs are also available and can be a good place to start. They’re less expensive than a private trainer for one. Such programs make it possible to test your ability and enjoyment of a program. Online programs are a good foundation and generally meet most people’s needs. If you choose to do this, I encourage you to modify the workouts to suit your fitness level and respect rest days during the week. Recovery is as important as training, and rest weeks should never be skipped.
3. Sports club

Another great way to get involved in sport is to join a sports club in your town or area. These clubs are usually very friendly places and suitable for people of all abilities. If you’re the competitive type, you’re bound to find a buddy to challenge you. Similarly, if you’re interested in getting social and maintaining your overall health, others will be there for the same reasons. I like having a community and a dedicated time slot during the week to engage in physical activity. It's also a great way to integrate a sporting community, make friends with common interests and combine the practical with the pleasant. However, keep in mind that training sessions are geared for a group and won’t necessarily be adapted to your physical condition and personal goals.
4. Self-training

If you’re already experienced in a sport or want to start being active, without pressure, commitment or judgement, self-training may be the best option for you. You can challenge yourself to a certain number of hours of physical activity per day or week. The physical activity you do can be as simple as playing soccer with your kids, putting on a pair of running shoes and going for a run before or after your workday, or playing badminton with your partner. In fact, the possibilities are endless.
Rule of thumb:
- 1 day of aerobic training
- 1 day of high-intensity interval training
- 1 rest day
- 2-3 weeks of progressive volume and intensity followed by 1 week of recovery
Physical activity has many benefits for our mental and physical health. As an athlete, I find that sport is a great way to enjoy life, get outdoors every day, challenge myself and achieve. Over time, playing a sport has become vital to me.
Now it’s your turn to find your passion for sport!