June Pattern – Formations Collection

June Pattern – Formations Collection

The Formations Collection was launched in 1990, offering tone-on-tone looks created with layered color particles.

The 1980s ushered in many memorable trends across the art and design landscape. One of these was a small-dot painting technique from the Zolatone® company. These abstractions of solid colors were created with layered particles and became a hallmark of the modern era.

Formica Group developed its own tiny-dot printing capabilities in combination with traditional Japanese printing techniques.

Curated and styled by in-house Formica® laminate designer Alex De Gregori, the Formations Collection revolutionized the industry in 1990 with its neutral desert tones, rich mineral washes and weathered patinas.

Inspired by Earth’s natural textures, this collection included six laminate patterns that progressed in scale from tiny particulates that appeared as optical solids to larger, more abstract motifs.

These patterns — Grafix, Dust, Granito, Oxide, Patina and Volcano — were available in a range of colors for a total of 49 distinctive selections that captured the organic beauty of nature. Some of these patterns have stood the test of time and are still part of the Formica® laminate line today.

Learn more about the Formations Collection in this video:

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