Certified Wood and FSC
FSCTM Certification
Formica Group is delighted to announce that its three Asian manufacturing sites in Taiwan, China and Thailand have achieved the internationally-recognised Forest Stewardship Council (FSC™) Chain of Custody (COC) certification from leading certification body, SGS. With this latest certification, customers from across the globe can now be assured that the materials used in the production of FSC™ labelled Formica® High Pressure Laminate (HPL) are from responsibly managed sources, whether manufactured by Formica Group in Asia, Europe or North America.
Certified Wood defined
Certified wood is wood that has been issued a certificate from an independent organization with developed standards of good forest management. This certificate verifies that wood products come from responsibly managed forests. Responsible forest management encompasses practices that are environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC™) defined
FSC™ is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible forest management practices worldwide. It was created out of concern for loss of the world’s forests and failure to address deforestation. FSC™ forest management certification is awarded to forest managers who adopt practices that are environmentally responsible, socially beneficial, and economically viable.
Are there other forest product certification programs?
There are several forest product certification programs internationally, including the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Currently, the USGBC LEED® Rating System accepts wood-based materials and products certified in accordance with FSC™ principles and criteria.
What is Chain of Custody?
FSC™ Chain of Custody certification is awarded to companies that can track and document FSC™ certified material through the production process, from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of procurement, processing, manufacturing, distribution and sale of certified goods.
Future FSC™ activities
Formica Group makes mandatory the use of wood fibers from sustainable forests and works with paper suppliers to provide FSC™ certified materials. In our commitment to continually develop sustainable strategies, Formica Group completed a product life cycle assessment (LCA) in accordance with ISO Standard 14040 on key products and their full environmental impacts, from raw material manufacture to product end of life. Periodically, we will conduct an LCA to monitor closely our progress in reducing impacts within our manufacturing process, including supply chain